XVIII International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 02-06, 2012, Irkutsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Быков А.Д. (Институт оптики атмосферы им. В.Е.Зуева СО РАН, Томск, Россия)
List of reports:
A.A. Lugovskoy, L.N. Sinitsa, A.D. Bykov, K.V. Kalinin , O.I. Semenova , E.A. Melgunova The water in mesopores SiO2 absorption band mode structure in 4400...5500cm-1 region.
B.A. Voronin, N.N. Lavrentieva, A.A. Lugovskoy, A.S. Dudaryonok, A.D. Bykov, V.I. Starikov Comparison of different methods of HD16O half-widths calculation